Transforming its training operations
Thursday, February 4th, 2021 from 12:15pm to 1:45pmTransforming its training operations

Please note that this webinar is presented in French.
Classroom training is now being done remotely, adding new constraints on training management. Coordinating your regulatory training operations becomes more complex in an already turbulent and financially tight environment. From planning to assigning resources to evaluating your programs, managing training can now be done using tools that are still too often overlooked.
This webinar will introduce you to several ways to modernize your operations. We'll discuss how to reduce your logistics management costs related to training activities and how to simplify reporting and indicator production. We will use examples of companies and training centres to illustrate the transformative power you have.
- Review of the learning industry in 2021
- Key trends in learning to improve your revenues and your ROI
- What will be your operational priorities in training?
- Which indicators should you monitor?
- How to optimize training management?
- Example of a company which improved its ROI (Before/After)
- Showcase of high impact features
- This webinar is free and offered to managers and professionals within the HR functions, especially those in Training, Learning and Development in companies and continuous learning institutions (universities, colleges, professional orders, etc.).
- Once you have registered, you will receive a confirmation email including the link to attend the webinar.
** Approved by l’Ordre des CRHA **
Stéphane Pineau, Training Orchestra
Stephane is on a personal mission to help organizations apply technology to optimize their training operations and make a big impact on their business. He is CEO and founder of Training Orchestra, a leading Training Resource Management System.
Hosted by Jean-Baptiste Audrerie, Vice President, Business Consulting, HR Horizons
Jean-Baptiste Audrerie, M.B.A., is an organizational psychologist and, over the last 22 years, he has supported HR clients in the optimization of their talent programs and practices with a constant emphasise on leveraging the capabilities of new HR technologies. He has led multiple HR transformation and HR technology evaluation cycles with clients across Canada. He has led several innovative HR projects with the aim to leverage Predictive Analytics, Inbound Recruitment, Artificial Intelligence, Chatbot technology, etc.
Author of the very popular and forward-looking blog, FutursTalents, he has been acting since 2013 as a market analyst for HR technologies and innovative practices in talent management.